Contract Information
PCA OD-411--24 Online Auction Services
September 11, 2024-September 10, 2025
PCA is administered by an agency of the State of Texas. Interlocal or intergovernmental contracting is important to educational institutions and government agencies. By virtue of each state’s “joint powers” statutes, public entities are empowered to participate with a purchasing cooperative of their state or of another state. PCA’s contracting expertise, industry knowledge, and hands-on experience goes into PCA contracts. PCA contracts are based on Texas contracting and purchasing statutes, and written to the standards of federal (the FAR and D-FAR), various state and local government agencies, and non-taxed, non-profit organizations. Important to educational institutions: PCA contracts are EDGA compliant. |
Contract Services and Benefits:
Choose LSOauctions.com to experience online auction success:
* Generate maximum income from assets
* Reduce costs of selling
* Improve efficiency of warehouse & storage management
* Reduce depreciation by selling assets quickly
* Reduce staff involvement with full service Hands-Free online auctions
Contract Highlights:
* Contract covers Online auction services for all PCA members nationally
* Revenue generating services
* Types of items include surplus, confiscated, unclaimed and other types of property
* When an agency needs to sell, Lone Star has answers and markets for almost any type of item
* Items sell where they are located. Moving to a central location is not necessary
* Items may be sold soon after eligible to be sold, reducing the wait time for revenue generation.
* Reallocation and restricted sales available
Contract Information
PCA OD-411--24 Online Auction Services
Contract Duration: 09/11/24 - 09/10/25
Lead Public Agency:
Purchasing Cooperative of America
Toll Free: 844-722-6374
Email: info@pcamerica.org
Lone Star Offers Under This Contract:
Best Value Online Auctions
* LSA staff do most of the work
* Seller responsibilities are limited
* Easy to learn & simple for seller staff
* Nicknamed ‘Hands-Free’ by a major university system client
Purchasing Procedure:
Contact Lone Star Auctioneers to learn about service options & pricing
Contact Ed Lanford or Marilyn Burgess
Member downloads Due Diligence Documents to meet legal requirements for cooperative purchasing. Documents are available on LSA.cc or on Lone Star’s contract page on PCA/Vendor
* Purchase orders are not required for Auctioneer Services
* Lone Star provides services nation-wide directly to the participating agency.
Exp. 07/14/25

Exp. 09/30/2025
Exp. 01/31/2025
Exp. 02/28/2026